acrylic on 8x9" canvas february 2025 simple quick painting with a lot of texture. pink underpainting peeks through a white/green/blue sky, dark blue mountains, and a field of green that gets more golden in the foreground due to the transparency of the bright green paint and the visibility of the pink background.

hand-carved repeatable stamp on washikozo paper january 2025 2 or 3 abstract creosote branches with a few puffy seeds and flowers with lots of negative space.

acrylic paint on 16x20" canvas october 2024 an expanse of grass worn bare to pink sand, with a shallow dip bridged by a low walkway in the middle distance. trees and a church lay far up on the horizon.

acrylic paint on 16x20" canvas september 2024 a cool evening sky during monsoon lights the northeast side of the catalinas, from the angle of the i10

acrylic paint on 16x20" canvas august 2024 under a stormy, rich blue sky, a gloomy road in foreground frames the purple horizon silhouette of the superstition mountain range

acrylic gouache on 8x10" canvas august 2024 artfully assorted desert ironwood flowers in a dusty purple background frame a flowering olneya tesota against a bright blue sky and distant mountain range

designed in procreate, inkjet printed onto purple 11x17" sunbleached paper july 2024 dark green art deco shapes show almost ghostly against a haunting purple shade. the year-at-a-glance is arranged 2 months side by side in a vertical column, framed by stars and desert ruellia (shown at 'won't you be my neighbor?' gross gallery, 2024)

drawn digitally on procreate from staged photo june 2024 a red bowl with apples on a counter, with a cozy oven light from top left throwing violet shadows.

paint pen, ink, and marker on 12x8" 250lb watercolor paper july 2023 a black/white/red color card bisected into two illustrations: the left a bordered shadow sketch of a strawberry plant with berries in the border, and the left a mountain/field landscape with 3 small close-ups of strawberries.

acrylic paint and oil pastel on 2x2" canvas january 2023 5 small square canvas with various angles of realistic blueberries, blue and white on a chartreuse background, with the magenta underpainting poking through.

(cursed relics 2022 day 4) pens on multimedia paper october 2022 a heavy gauntlet lays palm up with the inside of the cuff towards the viewer, only darkness inside, save for a whimsical word balloon denoting a possible comet narrative.

acrylic paint on reused canvas, 14" x 11" december 2021 Zorn palette acrylic painting of a fluffy black cat reclining behind a chair in the sun.

25"x 25" acrylic paint, medium gloss, coarse molding paste, raw canvas on gessoed/hand-stretched canvas; 1'x1’ acrylic paint, coarse molding paste, painted canvas on gessoed masonite december 2014 -hey baby!|ugly fruits: assemblages and surrogates @STUDIO ONE, april 2015 -hey baby!|vida sin jefes @fluxx studio and gallery, may 2015 -hey baby!|the violence of mastery @4th ave tucson, may 2016 Diptych top black painting w/ red cut out from larger abstract, which has pastel pinks/blues/greens.